Monday, August 9

Meanwhile, back at the farm.........

It is not every day that you see a Fordson Standard N Tractor being driven into Jubilee Family Centre but on Monday 26th July that is exactly what happened. 

The reason for this strange event was our annual holiday club, this is for those of fifty years and over and this years’ theme was “Meanwhile back at the farm....” so it was totally appropriate to have the tractor in our building. We also had a plough, milk churns and various tools from the farming trade. The first day of the club started off with a crafts morning with people having the opportunity to try their hand at such things as making jig saws, painting, flower arranging, button craft, and even making and flying a kite. After a hearty lunch we had a lady from Essex reciting poetry that she had written, this was followed by tea and a film.
The second day, Wednesday 28th July, we had our outing. This year we travelled to Wymondham and had coffee at the Brief Encounter Restaurant on Wymondham Station, we then boarded the Mid-Norfolk Railway train to Dereham, a delightful ride through beautiful countryside. The coach took us to The Gressenhall Rural Life Museum where we had an excellent lunch and a very memorable afternoon; we had rides on a cart pulled by two magnificent Suffolk Punch horses and saw a lovely Red Poll calf, born two days earlier. The workhouse was very thought provoking, thinking about the number of people that had lived, worked and died in conditions that, to us, who live in this day seem so far removed from anything that we have experienced

Our final day began with a games morning and after lunch we had The Women Drummers for Peace to entertain us, a number of people enjoying the opportunity to try their hands at drumming and not making a bad job of it! We finished off the afternoon with a good old sing along. We ended the week with Tea at Jubilee on Sunday afternoon, an opportunity to talk about the experiences over the week, to have a look at the photos that we had taken and enjoy tea and cakes together.
The theme of Meanwhile back at the farm gave us the opening to look at sowing and reaping and what happens to the seed that is sown, some is lost on hard ground or chocked by weeds but some , that is sown on good fertile soil will produce a crop 100 or 60 or 30 times what was sown. We hope that the seed of the Gospel sown over the week will produce a good crop.

Keith Bonner
General & Community Manager

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