Wednesday, November 12

Remember, remember

It is really easy for us to suffer from SMS (Short Memory Syndrome). I don’t just mean forgetting where we left the keys, what we ate for dinner yesterday or what the preacher spoke about last Sunday!

We live in a world where everything is moving very fast, where things go out-of-date and out of style very quickly (iPhone 12 anyone?), and where lots of people are looking for whatever is flavour of the month this month.

And we can just as easily fall into this trap as God’s people.

Psalm 105 encourages us to:

“Thank God! Pray to him by name! Tell everyone you meet what he has done! Keep your eyes open for him, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the verdicts he’s rendered….” (The Message)

God’s kingdom is advancing and we want to be moving on in all that God has prepared for us, but at the same time we also need to continually remember to remember; remember who God is, what He has done, and what He has spoken to us.

This is how we are strengthened in God—by delighting in Him, by cultivating thankful hearts of praise towards Him, and by holding fast to His promises.

Our God loves to transform lives through His son, Jesus, and we believe He has said that we are entering a new season of anointing, authority and visitation which will be marked by waves of Holy Spirit activity bringing blessing, repentance, healing and salvation.

This is not just a ‘nice thought’ that formed a short summer preaching series that we have now moved on from! This is a promise to feed on, pray into and give our lives for.

Nothing could be more exciting than following Jesus—let’s not forget it!

IMG_9122Simon Gallagher
Lead Elder | Aylsham Community Church
