Thursday, July 22

Jubilee Family Centre...a review of 2009...

The Jubilee Family Centre is pleased to be able to present it's first annual review publication. The idea of this publication is to give a snapshot of what the Jubilee Family Centre achieved last year and show how it has helped the local Aylsham community. It includes comments from users of the centre, key statistics, a financial summary and also gives thanks to those organisations that have supported the centre. To download a copy of this please click on the link below:

Download JFC Annual Review.

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Tuesday, July 20

Do you recognise anyone?

Do you recognise anyone in this photo? It is a very old photo as you can see, so you may have to look at old family members or perhaps photos of old family members! These men were the founders of Aylsham Tabernacle which then became Aylsham Tab Community Church during the 1980’s and then eventually, as it is known today, Aylsham Community Church. We were given this photo very recently and it would be great to put names to as many faces as possible. If you can help then please contact us on 01263 733332 or email at

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Thursday, July 1

A New Front Door for ACC and JFC

Welcome, at long last, to our new Aylsham Community Church and Jubilee Family Centre websites!

Today, the internet is the first point of contact for most people searching for a church or for any information about God and the Christian faith. Many people, before visiting a church on a Sunday morning, will first peer through the front door of the church website.

So, we're delighted to launch our new church website, On this page you will find four options: one button to go to the website for Aylsham Community Church, one for people visiting for the first time, one to go to this Blog, and one to go to the Jubilee Family Centre website.

Please go and give the website a test drive - we would welcome any helpful comments and observations, especially if you spot a glitch. This website is the first phase of our site, and in the months to come we hope to improve and refine the site, and add more content.

The primary purpose of the website is to be useful and attractive for people exploring about ACC and JFC. In time, we intend to develop a section of the ACC site that is especially for church members, containing information that is useful for members but less interesting for visitors!

Please use these websites as tools for reaching your own friends and family, neighbours and workmates. It's a great tool for you to use to help people looking for a church to find out a lot of interesting information about ACC. Also, for people who perhaps are not looking for a church but are looking for some help or advice, then the JFC website is bursting with resources and information.
