Saturday, March 31

Gift Days

Gift Day – Sundays 25th March & 1st April
Since the beginning of the year God has been stirring our faith afresh to believe for a season of breakthrough and exciting advance for His kingdom.

Already the mission and impact of ACC is significant – through the witness of the church and the ministry of the Jubilee Family Centre, but we believe with all our hearts that God is calling us to accomplish even greater things for Him.

The potential for the work of Jubilee Tots, Sycamore Tree, CAP, The Contact Centre, Discovery Coffee / Holiday Club, as well as our Children’s / Youth ministry, to continue to expand is great – and this will require considerable investment of resources in Prayer, Personnel and Finances.

We are planning to run Alpha as a church in the autumn, as well as outreach through the Marriage Course and Men’s events, and are exploring the possibility of a Canadian Bible college intern coming for a year to work with us with families and young people. We are also actively looking at how we might best use / extend the front of the Jubilee building to open up new opportunities for ministry.

Romans 12 calls us to bring all that we are and all that we have to him as an offering of worship to God, in expectation that He will bless and lead us into all His good and perfect plans for us.

Please prayerfully consider how you can give to this Gift Day, as we ask God for £15,000, and let’s continue to Pray, Serve and Give together in God’s grace and strength as we move forward in this new season.
