Thursday, July 14

Jubilee Tots at the Aylsham Carnival

With the Aylsham Carnival fast approaching, Jubilee Tots decided to throw caution to the wind and celebrate this annual community event by joining in the procession. Our interpretation of this year’s theme "Merry England" was old fashioned nursery rhymes - particularly relevant to our client group - we thought.
So if you were in Aylsham on the afternoon of Sunday 3rd July you may have been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of; a king, a queen, a blackbird or two, a farmer, a cat with its fiddle and even a fellow in his nightshirt (to name just a few characters), parading through the streets of Aylsham towards the "Rec".

The streets were lined with encouraging onlookers, much to the children’s delight, and the sun shone. It was a fantastic day, improved only slightly by Jubilee Tots being judged overall winners. (Who am I kidding, we were overjoyed!).

It was a great effort from the Tots members and the team and well worth it to be part of such a strong sense of community.... anyone fancy a go next year?

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